Pandemic Woes Add To The Cybersecurity Job Retention Struggle

According to a new survey, more organizations than ever are reporting problems with cybersecurity staffing…

An article review.

Binary Code Business People

While pandemic related mandates and restrictions are gradually being lifted across the country, many organizations are still feeling the effects in one important area: staffing.  That’s according to ISACA’s annual State of Cybersecurity survey, which asked over 2,000 cybersecurity professionals about the challenges they’re facing in their profession.

Compared to last year, more organizations say they have unfilled positions in cybersecurity, and that it is taking longer to fill those empty positions.  Once a position is filled the problems aren’t over either: the survey shows a seven percent increase in the number of respondents that say they’re having trouble keeping positions filled.

These numbers would be bad enough on their own, but they come at a time when cybersecurity incidents are on the rise.  Over 40 percent of survey respondents claim their organizations are seeing more attacks, though on the brighter side those that say they are confident in their organization’s ability to handle an attack is at an all-time high, at around 82 percent.

Given staffing shortages and an increasingly active threat landscape, an ISACA representative says more collaboration is needed between IT and other departments within an organization.  Awareness training has helped in that regard according to the representative, however such programs need to be continuously evolving to make sure employees are equipped to respond to threats now and in the future.  After all, no organization is immune to cyberattack, so no employee (or department) can be excluded from the awareness process.

Original article by Esther Shein writing for TechRepublic.

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