In Case You Missed It: The Coming Year’s Biggest Trends

We’re pretty proud of Dan’s predictive prowess and can’t resist taking another look at his tech trends for 2018.

An article review.


Our own Dan Hadaway released his Magnificent Seven article, an annual list of the top trends in bank technology, just before the long Thanksgiving weekend, but we realize a lot of you were out of the office and may have missed out on our predictions, so in case you did we’re taking another look!

It’s no coincidence that one of our top trends involved the “Internet of Things,” as the continuing spread of internet connectivity into our homes mirrors its spread everywhere else–including your offices. For example, systems that were previously only connected to a few local machines for backup purposes now commonly have internet-facing applications as well, leading to an increased focus on the need to have an “air-gapped” backup solution: copies of your data that are not network accessible, so that ransomware can’t encrypt it and hold your business hostage.

It’s also becoming more difficult to perform your due diligence, as vendors now frequently have vendors of their own that must be vetted–and while this has always been the case to some extent, vendors are outsourcing more than ever! Your cloud storage provider, for example, may simply be a small team in an office who sends your data to another company’s server farm. That provider will still happily provide you with a SOC-2, but inside you’ll find that they declare many controls to be the responsibility of someone else. If that wasn’t enough, the Equifax debacle shows that even vendors you could assume are highly regulated and scrutinized are no safe bet.

If all this future shock is overwhelming, though, take heart: we still believe the most important trend is human. In spite of constant news of major breaches and security exploits, the most common attack your employees are likely to encounter is pretext calling and other old-fashioned, human attack vectors. It’s like the old saying goes, sometimes the old ways are best!

Original article by Dan Hadaway.



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