Internet Explorer Zero-Day Security Flaw Exposed

Microsoft responds to Internet Explorer security breach with new security tool


On Friday, researchers in Luxembourg discovered a zero-day security flaw in Internet Explorer which attackers could use to infect a computer with a virus, allowing them to take full control of the victim’s computer. Microsoft responded to this discovery with a security software package known as the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, or EMET, late on Monday. Microsoft is advising that IE users install and configure the software to lower their risk of infection. This security tool is only a band-aid used to buy time to fix the bug and release an updated version of IE.

Even with the security tool’s release, many security experts are suggesting users temporarily switch from using Internet Explorer to another browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Opera. For businesses especially, it may not be feasible to install the EMET tool on their system. Others are concerned that the malicious attacks could mutate, finding a way around the temporary fix.

Original article by Jim Finkle.
Read the full article here.

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